Generative AI integrated into learning. At least five universities provide free access to tools like ChatGPT for University of Hong Kong students with a monthly limit of 20 instructions.

Artificial intelligence is a future trend, and several universities in Hong Kong have incorporated it into their curriculum. At least five universities have announced that they will provide free access to the Generative AI tool (GenAI) for students.

Starting from September, the University of Hong Kong (HKU) offers the latest version of ChatGPT and related tools, with a limit of 20 prompts per person per month. Students can use these tools to assist them in completing assignments. HKU states that future assignments and exams will introduce other assessment methods to ensure students have a solid understanding of the subject matter, aiming to cultivate pioneers in GenAI. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Lingnan University, City University of Hong Kong, and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University also provide free access to these tools. Lingnan University's incoming president, Leonard K. Cheng, described it as, "You can't completely avoid ChatGPT."(Source: Sky Post)