Latest event Free Teacher Workshop October 28 Venue: Admiralty

Millions of people around the world use sign language to converse, and sign language has long been one of the most important languages. There are about 150,000 people with hearing and language impairments in Hong Kong, and about 28 million people with hearing and language impairments in mainland China. The ratio of sign language interpreters to hearing-impaired people in China is about 1:2,000. Most hearing-impaired people are incompatible with society. There is an information gap, and this is an issue that deserves attention.

We hope that through this workshop, teachers will be introduced to the new generation of artificial intelligence learning tools - NVIDIA Jetson Nano, learn how to develop artificial intelligence models that can be applied in real life, and share the Jetson Nano project implementation - "Artificial Intelligence Sign Language" Translator" and conduct practical exercises to inspire further promotion of artificial intelligence on campus.

AI 教師培訓工作坊