Course topics include:
IoT Fundamentals

This section will introduce the fundamental concepts of the Internet of Things (IoT), including its definition, working principles, and applications in various fields such as smart homes and smart agriculture. Students will learn how IoT is transforming our daily lives and work methods and gain an understanding of its future trends and potential.

Arduino Implementation

This part will focus on implementation, where students will learn how to use Arduino and DFRobot Gravity D3 Sensor Kit. These tools and devices will enable students to engage in practical operations and implement IoT projects, including programming, connecting sensors, reading and analyzing data, and more.

Arduino IoT Cloud and MIT App Inventor

This part will teach students how to use the Arduino IoT Cloud platform and MIT App Inventor to implement IoT projects. Students will learn how to upload data to the Arduino IoT Cloud for remote monitoring and use MIT App Inventor to create mobile applications for intuitive data visualization and analysis.

Project Implementation

In this part, students will apply their acquired knowledge and skills to real-world projects, including smart home and smart farming projects. Students will have the opportunity to solve problems in real-life scenarios, gain practical experience, and deepen their understanding of IoT technology.

Past student projects

POH 80th Anniversary Tang Ying Hei College students designed a series of projects related to smart agriculture and developed an application to assist schools in transforming existing farms into IoT smart farms. Through sensors, real-time environmental data is uploaded to a cloud platform and displayed on a customized mobile application, showing the growth status of plants. Additionally, by deploying the latest GPU computing and artificial intelligence deep learning models, our system can learn the ideal growth trajectory of plants and display any plants that deviate from expected growth in real-time monitoring images on the mobile application.

Fun AI fact

What is the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT)? How is it related to Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

The concept of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) involves the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology with the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT enables the connection of objects and the exchange of data through networks, while AI provides intelligent analysis, prediction, and automation capabilities to the IoT. The relationship between AI and IoT lies in the fact that AI technology can help analyze large amounts of data, predict potential failures, and automatically adjust system operating parameters, among other things, to achieve energy efficiency, improve efficiency, or optimize production processes. The implementation of intelligent IoT offers innovative solutions across various industries and drives the development of areas such as smart homes, smart factories, and smart cities.

University lecturer teaching team

VInci AI's teaching team is rich in experience, including university teachers who teach master's AI courses in various colleges and universities.

Curriculum developed by PhD-level experts

Vinci AI's PhD-level AI expert team, providing the most professional artificial intelligence courses

Recognized by research institutions

The teaching platform developed by Vinci AI has received support from Cyberport. Vinci AI is also a STEM education partner of the Productivity Council.