By completing this course, students will be able to:
Level 1: Introduction to Graphical Programming (Scratch)
  • Learn to use Scratch, a graphical programming tool, to easily create interactive stories, animations and games.
  • Master the basic concepts of programming, such as sequences, loops, conditional judgments, etc., and develop logical thinking skills.
  • Learn to design game characters and scenes, and add sound and visual effects to improve your creativity and design abilities.
Level 2: Python language basics and applications
  • Learn the basic syntax of Python language, including data types, variables, operators, control flow, etc.
  • Master the use of Python for data processing and analysis, and learn to process data structures such as strings, lists, and dictionaries.
  • Learn to write simple Python programs, debug and optimize them, and improve your problem-solving abilities.
Level 3: Data processing and algorithm design
  • In-depth study of Python's data structures and algorithms, such as sorting algorithms, search algorithms, etc., to improve program efficiency.
  • Learn to use Python for file operations and master how to read, write, and process data.
  • Learn the basic concepts of object-oriented programming and be able to design programs using object-oriented ideas.
Prepare for national certification exams
  • Programming Competition Strategies and Techniques: Learn strategies and techniques for participating in programming competitions to improve problem-solving speed and accuracy.
  • Mock exam and analysis of real questions: Through mock exams, you can become familiar with the exam environment and question types, and analyze real questions to improve your test-taking skills.

Exam and obtain national certification

Obtain official certification from the China Electronics Society and enhance technological competitiveness!

After completing the course, students can participate in seminars sponsored by the China Electronics SocietyNational Youth Software Programming Level Examination, which is a highly authoritative national information technology competency assessment examination. After passing the exam, you will receive:

  • Grade examination certificate issued by China Electronics Society: Prove that your knowledge and skills in the field of software programming have reached a nationally recognized level, enhance the quality of your resume, and add advantages to future studies and employment.
  • Examination for International Informatics Sciences (EXIN) Certificate: Those who pass the Youth Level Examination can directly obtain a certificate issued by EXIN, an international authoritative organization, and gain international recognition.

These certificates are extremely valuable:

  • Recognized by well-known universities and enterprises at home and abroad: It has been recognized by well-known domestic and foreign universities and enterprises such as Peking University, Chongqing University, Nankai University, Zhejiang University, Microsoft, Tencent, and ARM.
  • Policies on extra points for high school and college entrance examinations in some provinces and cities: Some provinces and cities implement bonus point policies for students holding grade certificates in the secondary and college entrance examinations to increase their competitiveness for further studies.
  • Qualifications for entry into the Chinese talent pool: The test results will be entered into China’s talent pool, creating more opportunities for future career development.

Participate in the National Youth Software Programming Level Examination to obtain national certification for your programming skills and open the door to a successful future in science and technology!

Get ready for your grade exam: Recommended programming courses

In order to help you achieve excellent results in the National Youth Software Programming Level Examination, it is recommended that you accumulate certain programming experience and be familiar with the basic concepts and operations of programming before the exam.

If you are new to programming:

We recommend you study first "Computational Thinking and Game Design" Course. This course uses the MakeCode Arcade platform, allowing you to learn programming as easily as building blocks, quickly master the basic logic and thinking methods of programming, such as sequences, loops, conditional judgments, etc., and create interesting games to help you learn more advanced programming. Build a solid foundation in language.

If you have mastered graphical programming:

We recommend you study "ICT Python Course". Python has a concise and easy-to-understand syntax and is widely used. It is currently one of the most popular programming languages. Learning Python courses can help you systematically learn Python syntax, master programming ideas, and be able to use Python for data processing, algorithm design and other operations, so as to be fully prepared for taking the grade exam.

No matter which course you choose, Vinci AI can provide you with professional guidance and help, allowing you to easily get started with programming and improve your technological competitiveness!

Fun AI fact

What is China Electronics Society? What is the China Electronics Society Youth Level Examination

The Chinese Institute of Electronics was founded in 1962. It is a unit directly under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, a member unit of the Chinese Association of Science and Technology, and a 5A-level national academic social organization. It now has more than 100,000 individual members, more than 600 group members, and 47 professional branches.

youth grade examinationIt is a national information technology ability level assessment examination sponsored by the China Electronics Society. The examination items include: Youth Electronic Information Level Examination, Youth Robot Level Examination, Youth Software Programming Level Examination (Graphic/Python/C Language), Youth Three-Dimensional Creative Design Level Examination, and Youth UAV Technology Level Examination, with a total of 5 categories of 7 a technical direction.

The Youth Level Examination is the first officially standardized information technology proficiency level examination. The official verification platform is jointly formulated by the China Electronics Society and other authoritative organizations to formulate participation standards and set questions. As of 2021, the number of people applying for the Youth Level Examination across the country has reached 800,000. It is currently the most popular and influential Youth Level Examination in the country.

Vinci AI is the best choice for your children to learn programming. Our courses are designed and taught by a team of experienced university lecturers and AI experts, ensuring children receive high-quality teaching. As the only official Hong Kong partner organization of the China Electronics Society, we provide authoritative grade examination training to help children obtain national certification and enhance their competitiveness.

The only certified consulting service station in Hong Kong

As the only official Hong Kong partner organization of the China Electronics Society, we provide authoritative grade examination training to help children obtain national certification.

Curriculum developed by PhD-level experts

Vinci AI's PhD-level AI expert team, providing the most professional artificial intelligence courses

University lecturer teaching team

VInci AI's teaching team is rich in experience, including university teachers who teach master's AI courses in various colleges and universities.