"Fun IT Knowledge" Project-Case Analysis

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If you would like to learn more about the analysis of past approved projects, for example the average funding amount for different types of courses,The most popular course categories.Please click on the link provided on the right to fill in your contact information, and we will provide you with an analysis report.

Course topics include:
University lecturer teaching team

VInci AI's teaching team is rich in experience, including university teachers who teach master's AI courses in various colleges and universities.

Curriculum developed by PhD-level experts

Vinci AI's PhD-level AI expert team, providing the most professional artificial intelligence courses

Recognized by research institutions

The teaching platform developed by Vinci AI has received support from Cyberport. Vinci AI is also a STEM education partner of the Productivity Council.

Where can I download the application form for the Primary School Fun IT Learn More Program?

Teachers can go to the official website of the "School IT Innovation Laboratory Scheme", click "Application Procedure" and select "Primary School" to download the application form

How to apply for the Fun IT Learn More Program for primary schools?

STEM allows children to understand how the world works, stimulates their curiosity about the world from an early age, and encourages them to become active learners. In addition, many high-paying STEM jobs require a bachelor's degree in a STEM-related field. Therefore, it is more important for children to be exposed to STEM education from an early age to lay a solid foundation for pursuing STEM studies and careers in the future!