Google Colab


Google Colaboratory VS. Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook Google Colab
操作位置 在個人硬件中操作 在Google服務器中操作
操作時間 操作時間限制於電腦的容量 12/24小時的操作時間,及Google能進行干預
Python下載庫 用家需自行安裝不同的庫(Library) 大部分必需的庫(Library)已預先下載
存儲空間 使用系統的處理器及沒有外部的GPU及TPU 提供免費GPU 及TPU,亦可使用個人電腦操作
價錢 完全免費 若需額外程式,則需付費

Google Colaboratory (Colab) is a platform that allows for Python programming. It offers several advantages, including the convenience of not needing to download or pre-install various Python tools internally.


Google Colab features

  • No installation required: Users can write and execute Python code without the need to download or set up anything on their local machines.
  • Terminal access: Google Colab allows users to run terminal commands directly within the environment.
  • Data import: Users can easily import datasets from third-party sources, such asKaggle
  • Integration with Google Drive: Google Colab integrates seamlessly with Google Drive, allowing notebooks to be saved and accessed directly from Drive. Users can also import notebooks from Drive into Colab.
  • Including popular libraries like PyTorch, TensorFlow, OpenCV, and more, making it convenient for users to work with these libraries without any additional installations.
  • Google Colab provides free access to cloud-based GPUs and TPUs, allowing users to leverage powerful computing resources without worrying about hardware limitations. Users can choose different GPU or TPU options based on their specific needs.
  • Users can import notebooks directly from GitHub or publish their own notebooks to GitHub repositories.